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  • Anna M. Ashby-Caison

Our President: Called by God?!

In her interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said,

“I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think that He wanted Donald Trump to become president.”

Sarah is correct in her belief that God “calls” individuals to fill different roles at different times, and I do believe He has called Donald Trump to be president, but not in the way that Sarah believes.

“Called, calling” are terms used within the faith community to express a ministerial vocation to the office of missionary, evangelist, pastor, teacher, etc., something Trump is not called of God to do. However, in a general sense, all of us, are called of God to be either a vessel of honor, or a vessel of destruction based on our response to His Sovereignty over all things (Romans 9:22-23).

Just as I believe God allowed Obama to win the 2008/2012 elections, I also believe He has allowed Trump to win the 2016 election. His purpose, in part, is a wake-up call to the church.

The world is on schedule in doing what it’s supposed to do, following the heart of its father. The question for Christians is, are we following the heart of our Father? Have we become so entrenched in the ways of the world that we’ve lost sight of our purpose here on earth?

There has always been a religious sect of Christianity that supported slavery, segregation, and disenfranchisement of non-white ethnicities. We thought this religious sect was dead when Obama won the White House, but we were wrong, they were incognito. Before Obama began his 1st day in office they came out of hiding. They called him the devil, a non-citizen of the US, the founder of ISIS, and a Muslim coming to destroy our democracy. In many of our congregations, racial reconciliation ended, revealing that the pledge of acceptance was external and superficial instead of being internal and genuine from the heart.

Trump’s 2016 campaign and election gave license to openly berate and bully others based on differences in ethnicity, gender and party affiliation. And sadly, many professed Christians took part in the biased attack of their fellow citizens because they didn’t look and/or think like them.

The politics of the true followers of Christ are not grounded in either republican or democrat party. Our politics are grounded in the Word of God. When we go into the voting booth to vote, we are to select candidates (regardless of their party affiliation) whose agenda is most closely aligned with the teachings of scripture.

Separating immigrant infants/children from their parents; denying asylum to immigrants seeking refuge; raising taxes on the working poor and middle-class families to increase the wealth of billionaires; and taking away the civil rights of Americans who don’t adhere to evangelical religious beliefs goes against the teachings of the Bible. In fact, nations that committed these injustices came under God’s judgment. Yet, Sarah Sanders and conservative evangelicals support these inhuman polices of Trump.

The letter to the church in Laodicea serves as a warning to Sarah Sanders and conservative evangelicals. They are neither hot (healing) or cold (refreshing), they are lukewarm (nauseating). They think their political favor with President Trump have made them powerful, invincible, and in need of nothing. They don’t realize that they are “wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked” (Revelation 3:17). If they fail to answer the knock of Christ at the door of their heart, they will forfeit their seat at the wedding of the Lamb and His Church.

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